About Donna

Meet Donna

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Welcome! If you’re looking for Pilates classes in the Bethlehem, Easton and surrounding areas in Northampton County, you’re in the right place.

I’m Donna, the owner of Body Transformations, a private Pilates studio located in Williams Township, Easton, PA.

I’ve been a fitness fanatic for many years, so when the opportunity presented itself to try “this Pilates thing," little did I know how passionate I would become. That passion inspired me to become a full-time teacher and studio owner. I realized the benefits of Pilates early on as Pilates was a perfect fit with my other fitness programs. 

I have been teaching and studying this wonderful program for over 12 years.

My training began with the Fletcher Pilates Program of Study where I am recognized as a Fletcher Pilates Professional Teacher. Upon successful completion of the Pilates Method Alliance exam, I received the Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher designation.

I have also completed continuing my education in classical Pilates with the Pure Body Teacher Training program, focusing on enhancing my skill sets on approaching pathologies and other considerations.

My goal is to make you stronger, more flexible, mentally aware, and become overall more fit. Do something for yourself and feel great while doing it.

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You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This is not just a few hours a week of classes. It's a lifestyle that transforms how you approach every activity from a mental and physical perspective. I will teach you how to take this knowledge home with you. You’ll have the tools and skills to apply the Pilates method to your everyday life.

I offer in person or virtual classes. To schedule your appointment, click here.

Donna was a savior to me during the pandemic when she began her Zoom classes. I thought I wouldn’t be as challenged as I had been in live classes. I was wrong! In her classes Donna is engaged & able to focus on each individual to improve physical, mental & emotional stamina. The intimate group class fosters a supportive environment among all participants.


I was referred to Donna with chronic sciatica and a list of other physical ailments from a lifetime of sports activity and a physical job. Within three months my back was completely pain free and my body was well on the road to feeling stronger and better than it had in a decade!


Twice a week, Donna gives me everything I never knew I needed. Working from home and being at a desk (sometimes 12 hours a day) was doing terrible things to my body. She’s reversed it ALL and then some. I’m stronger, stand taller, and we laugh all along the way. We didn’t even miss a beat during this crazy last year thanks to Zoom.


I have learned so much from Donna. I was able to re-strengthen my core after having kids, which means no more lower back pain! Donna will teach you proper technique and give you a great workout.


Donna is a fabulous teacher, guiding me through my fitness comebacks throughout the years. I wouldn't be where I am without her training.


I need specialized and focused help building muscle without causing further damage to my body. Donna is not only knowledgeable and compassionate, she is committed to figuring out the best way for my body to be worked. I’ve never had anyone do research on my specific situation before! I am so grateful, and thanks to Pilates I am finally getting stronger and more confident with my body.


Sessions are individualized to your ability and needs. I have seen amazing results not only physically but in my running performance.


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